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Advent | Jingle Jam | Ugly Christas Sweaters & PJs | Christmas Eve Candlelight Service | Outreaches


Jingle & Jam

Wednesday - December 18 // 7:00-8:30pm

Join us for a fun filled night for kids of all ages.
Live Music, food, fun, games, A SPECIAL GUEST, and gifts!!

Enjoy the magic and wonder of Christmas through the eyes of a child.


Ugly Christmas Sweaters & Pajamas

Sunday December 22 // 9:00AM & 10:30AM

Join us Christmas Eve Morning for a Special Family Christmas Service. Two services @ 9:00AM & 10:30 AM. Make sure you wear your favorite Christmas Sweater and the kids can wear their Christmas PJs!


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

December 24 @ 6:00pm

Our most favorite service of the year!

Gather your friends and family for incredible music, carols,
and a special message from Bishop Quintin Moore


Noel Project

We are looking for families/groups of people who will purchase, prepare, serve, and clean up a meal for the homeless shelter on December, 25 from 7:00-8:30PM.

Contact Heather Hoover to sign up or ask questions!


Angel Tree

Every Christmas, Prison Fellowship Angel Tree strengthens relationships and helps the families of prisoners stay connected. It also reminds these children of God’s love for them—the greatest gift ever given! TFH is partnering with Angel Tree this year to support incarcerated men and women and their families. giving today.